Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Strangers I Love

There are a lot of people I know and love in this world and only a few I know and don't love.

But lately I've been noticing the people I don't know and do love.

Like "Lady" and "Guy". These are the crossing guards at the elementary school by our house and Tommy always knows we're "almost home" when we see "Lady? Hi Lady!" And he's always concerned when Lady isn't there. "Where'd she go Lady?" "Lady go home?" He always wants to know. The good news is that Lady is probably the most friendly human on the planet, and she waves at us EVERY time we drive past. Without fail. I love Lady. And Guy.

Then of course there are all of the people who see me struggling to carry all I'm carrying and do things for me. Like open doors, and lift the front of the limo stroller over the Everest sized curb. These people are most likely people I'll never see again, but they are incredibly kind to hook a sister up. This is funny to me because I distinctly remember the first time someone offered to help me to the car with my groceries. The kid was a pimple faced 14 year old boy who wore his pants around his knees. And he called me ma'am. And I swore I'd never shop there again because I was totally offended. But these days, I love Helper People.

There's also a whole category for people who feed me on a regular basis. Like the 12 year old who works at Subway and probably knows my order by heart but asks me every time anyway. Or the dude at Wendy's who simply can't understand why I want a salad and french fries so he always forgets my fries. I love Food People. Even when they get it wrong.

The Librarians might be my favorite of all. They still think it's cute when Tommy says goodbye to EVERY book as he puts it in the return slot. "Bye bye Bear. bye bye dragon. bye bye letters." and they stand there patiently waiting the entire time. Plus they let him help "beep beep" the books after story time. I love these ladies. And I assume they are this nice to everyone and have no idea that we're the same people every week - but maybe just maybe they love us too. No matter. I love Librarians.

This week there is a whole group of Hotel People who I love. Primarily the Housekeeping Staff  (is that the proper title for these angels in white uniforms?) Because in my world people who come to empty your trash cans, make your beds, and wipe off your counter tops are simply the greatest people on earth. That's to say nothing of the woman who singlhandedly feeds 28 people at once for 4 hours straight. All of whom want waffles. That lady should be twinkled. Like today. I love Hotel People.

What about you, who do you love? (did you just sing it? cuz I did. Thanks Bo Diddly. I love you too.)

1 comment:

  1. I'd never ever heard that song before. I love old ladies who tell me my girls have such beautiful hair even though it's messily falling out of the ponytail.


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