Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Mother-In-Law Hates Me

I know it.

She used to like me, I could tell because she is always nice to me and never makes my child MORE obnoxious than his nature makes him.

But something changed and now she hates us.

I can tell because she bought Tommy golf clubs. Or ninja throwing stars or one of those old lady reach higher or lower sticks they sell in Sky Mall Magazine (but not today) as Tommy seems to have decided they really are.

He has yet to hit the tiny golf balls with them. Much less into the tiny make-shift "cup" because he's far too busy whacking stuff with is "Lightning McQueen STICK!!!!"

Poor boy got tired of hearing me tell him to "knock it off or I'll take it away." so he set up his little brother to take the fall.

Too bad within 12 seconds of my taking this picture Tommy got too close and got beat up by a baby.

I almost felt bad....but......he sorta earned it. You know?

What's proper etiquette here? A thank you note expressing just how much Tommy loves it? Or a snarky blog post whining about just how much I hate it?

*Surely you've noticed that I'm kidding, right? I mean he really does go around hitting stuff with it all day, but I don't think my MIL hates me (right Meleta?) and I certainly don't really hate her for giving it to us. In fact when Tommy saw me writing this, he said "only hit the balls. right mom?"

1 comment:

  1. Didn't we help the Hunter boys find "whackin sticks" all the time when they were little. You might deserve it is all I'm sayin'. I expect Tommy will find many more uses for a stick that size before he's through. :D


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