Sunday, June 27, 2010

Did you know?

Did you know that Tommy sits in a high chair for meals now? He picks up his food, puts in his mouth, and grins.

Did you know that the average person laughs 15 times per day? I think I'm way WAY above average in this respect and here's why:
  • Aundrea and I are convinced that we're employing a team at Miriam Webster's who reads our e-mails for new words that really ought to be in the dictionary. Words like four-fer (what's better than a two-fer?), up-in-the-air-ness, and disintegretous are common among people of our intelligence. 
  • Josh calls and sings on my voice mail when any good song comes on the radio. Sometimes I cry, but usually I laugh.
  • Tommy gut laughs with me. And if you're not gonna laugh at your kid, you're probably not gonna laugh at anything.
  • I read a lotta blogs. And some of them link to funny videos like this:
Did you know that we will be going camping this weekend for the first time of the season, also for the first time with Tommy? I blame the weather. And the racing. And the family events. And the schooling. And the jobs. And the general busyness of life for the fact that we completely missed out on the two best months of camping this year. Lame sauce. 

Did you know that my older brother can beat Super Mario Brothers? The whole game. On the old school Nintendo. I'm not sure I ever fully appreciated what a work of art that truly was. That was way back in the day before you could save the game and come back later. The kid was dedicated.

Did you know that Josh is trying to beat the whole game? Fortunately for him you can save now. Because if you couldn't I would probably kill him.

Did you know that all of you summer-lovers finally won? I just want to take a minute to remind you that you win EVERY year. July always comes, and we all want to die because of the heat. So, next April when it snows.....just don't forget this feeling of being baked alive OK? 


  1. Ditto on being baked alive.

    I have beat everything but Bowser...then my stupid thing went dumb and erased it all. day I'll try again.

  2. BUT you win again in December, January, February, March, April, May...., and in 2010 JUNE.

    Somebody call the waaaaambulance!

  3. That guy could have been seriously injured! What if he had broken and arm, or broken his neck and DIED!?!? I refuse to laugh until she posts a video of him proving he wasn't hurt. And you can't prove I haven't already laughed. And now I have that stupid song stuck in my head. And I don't even like Train when TRAIN is singing. Guys in showers singing off key do not make me like Train any more. K. I'm done now. Carry on.

  4. ouch! That's a terrible prank!

    Tommy's cute though.

    ANd I like summer still.

  5. OK OK the prank isn't funny. my bad.

    Also winter will come too (which is the only reason I survive summer).


  6. I love being baked alive, I would love to live in Arizona. Winter bites.
    I actually didn't watch that video because it looked like a painful one..Nick will like it though. I'm sure it was still funny though Amy! :)

  7. When did Tommy get so much hair? So perfect.


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