Friday, September 4, 2009


Does anyone actually remove the cover on the back of the hairdryer to clean out that filter thing? Ever? If I read the instructions (I don't, and won't) would I find a maintenance schedule? How often is a person supposed to do something like that?

I may or may not be asking because I left my hairdryer on the counter, causing Josh to throw it on the floor in a fit of rage accidentally bump it with his elbow knocking it on the ground, breaking the cheap-o plastic cover revealing this nastiness:


  1. Who knew you had to clean those things out. I didn't.

  2. Ew. I just noticed something similar on the box fan that I've had for five years. I guess I should clean that out, but every time I imagine it, it grosses me out and overwhelms me. There are like, five hundred little rectangles on the fan cover- how on earth will I clean ever them without spraying the whole fan with a hose (which doesn't seem like it'd be good for the fan motor)? The answer is, it's likely that I won't.

  3. I admit I knew. It's on my yearly to do schedule and I clean mine out once a month. Surprised?

  4. I admit I knew. It's on my yearly to do schedule and I clean mine out once a month. Surprised?

  5. My ocd missionary comp was always cleaning hers out with a q-tip.


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