Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

The 4th of July has always been one of Josh's mom's favorite holidays and this year I can really see why. Every year she gets to hang out with her best friend and family (the Kearney's) and they do whatever they want. I get it now.

This year we went to Morgan for a big Reilley party. We were up on some big fat private golf course and the beautiful mountains. It was beautiful. We played games, frisbee, that bolo game, phase 10, and a bunch more games. We really had a lot of fun, I like it when everyone gets along and plays together like that. Eventually we went to a park for a picnic. Josh's mom got a new digital camera so we spent a long time playing with it and learning how to use it, it's pretty cool.

Our cousin Tyler (he's only like 2) was playing in the water and he kept BAWLING every time someone turned off the water. He was totally soaked, and LOVED running around in it. He is such a cute kid. His mom Kerrie was talking about how he's such a stinker and it's a good thing he's so cute because it's the only way she'd keep him. :) He's adorable and I can't WAIT until we get to have one. When Josh and I were dating Kerrie and I talked at their Thanksgiving/Christmas party and she was so friendly and nice, she teased us about getting married and now she teases us about having kids. It's good times.

The boys were playing ultimate frisbee and Josh had some breathing issues, so we left before fireworks. We kindof left in a rush, and halfway home I realized I had left my purse. That's an icky feeling. Josh's mom rescued it from the picnic table though, so I felt a little better. Until this morning anyway.....then I realized my purse has EVERYTHING I own in it. My cell phone, my money (both dollars), my keys, my chapstick, my everything. *Sigh* What are you going to do?

On our drive home we got to see all the fireworks between here and Ogden. It was beautiful. Josh likes fireworks so we pulled over for a few finales, but mostly just enjoyed the drive home.

I really can see the appeal of the 4th of July, it's a great outside, good food, good family, no major stresses, maybe someday it'll be my favorite holiday too. :)

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