Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday not at temple square

Josh fell asleep within 30 minutes of returning home. And that's only because it took him 29 minutes to eat everything he could see.

After I put Thomas to bed I woke Josh up and forced him to play with me.

And then I fell asleep within 30 minutes of getting my trash kicked at Rummikub. But only because it took me 29 minutes to clean up enough to have a place to lay down.

Not quite the "lovely Sabbath afternoon" I envisioned.....but not bad either.


  1. ;) that was from me. All in good fun. what's this new blog about?

  2. "this new blog" is not about anything. I just finally changed the background, which meant I could add more gadgets. :) So, yay! I hope.


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