Sunday, March 21, 2010

Did you know?

Did you know that Josh has been doing the bedtime routine with Thomas for almost two weeks now? Every single night. On one hand I'm a little jealous - bedtime really is a great time of day. On the other hand I REALLY appreciate that Josh takes care of it for me and I only feel a little bad about making him do it every day.

Did you know that this weekend we were having so much fun playing games, that we stayed up until 4 in the morning playing? And we still woke up the next day. Awesome.

Did you know that Josh doesn't eat stacks of pancakes? He only likes pancakes 1 deep. If you go to a restaurant with him, and he orders pancakes and they bring them stacked 3 high and on a plate the size of the pancakes, he'll move them all to the other plate so he can eat them one at a time.

Did you know that over 5 billion crayons are produced each year? There are also 5 billion cell phone subscribers as of February of this year.

Did you know that I played the clarinet in Jr. High? Don't you wish we were friends back then? I was cool. [insert hysterical laughter here]


  1. I'm with Josh. Pancakes are so much better one at a time. You don't get to enjoy them nearly as much in a stack.

  2. I also eat my pancakes one at a time.I think they get too soggy all stacked up. I think there are about 400 of those cryons here at my house. When I was young I could stay up all night....those were fine nights. I would have hugh out with ya, you sound like a fun person.

  3. I DID know that you played the clarinet in jr high and we were friends back then ... I remember lots of bruises...

  4. hey we were friends back then and i thought you were cool

  5. Hey I played the clarinet too! Who was your teacher? Were you in Lindon there too??

  6. Did you really? That's awesome. I had Ms. Ugaki at Oak Canyon....

  7. I played the clarinet in jr. high as well. And I eat my pancakes one at a time.


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