Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 15 - New Friends

Day 15 - A photo of yourself and a new friend you met this year.

I'm not good at making new friends. I'm actually really really bad at it. But once I do make a good friend, I think we become VERY good friends pretty quickly.

So I'm surprised by this, but it was just over a year ago that Ashley and I started hanging out together. Now she's one of my closest friends and I love her dearly.

This is from our hike to Donut falls last May. Remember it was snowy, but Bubbah wasn't wearing any shoes or socks? It wasn't nearly as cold as it looks.... May people. It was MAY!

Anyway.....this is me and Ashley.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for new friends! Best new friendship ever! :) I'm glad you branched out and made a new friend. See what you were missing out on...


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