Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 18 - mem'ry.....

Day 18 - A photo of your favorite memory.

When Tommy came into the world our lives changed forever. The whole experience was incredible. All of it. I know you're supposed to, but I loved being in the hospital afterward. I loved the sitting around with nothing to do but look at the baby. I loved talking to Josh all night long. I loved

I swear this is as far away from Tommy as Josh ever got for a solid 3 days. He wouldn't leave his side.
Megan (Josh's sister) holding Tommy.
 I sat in that chair for WAY too many hours in a row. And I loved it. I asked the nurse if I'd get in trouble for stealing it. She said yes. I miss that chair.

Our family has never felt more perfect than we did then.

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