Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why We Still Use A Monitor

Fact: I live in a 2 bedroom 1200 square foot townhouse.

Fact: I once heard Tommy screaming from clear across the church. Like as far away as you can possibly get and still be in the same building. He's not hurting for volume.

Fact: We still use the baby monitor in our home. It is on all the time.


Because without it, I wouldn't hear Josh interacting with Tommy in there. And that would be tragic.

Exhibit A: Josh was singing lullabies to Tommy last night and got halfway though "Search Ponder & Pray" before he realized he was singing it to the tune of "I Love To See The Temple". How he got halfway though is a mystery to me because I can't get past the first line.

Exhibit B: Josh is changing Tommy's diaper before bed.
J: "Hey! Dude. We don't put our hands in poopy diapers."
T: "blah blah blah....yadda yadda....jibberish"
J: As he turns away from the changing station, muttering under his breath "You crazy crackah."

Exhibit C: Josh "reading" a story he's never seen before. "And then the big bunny rabbit said, you slow turtle, you can't catch me.....I'm the ginger bread man! - AND a turtle!"

April 2011 FB Status


Am I the only one who hears the announcements from the elementary school? Yesterday they went for a soda run and invited me to meet them at the front door.....
Thank goodness for great neighbors!

Thanks all for coming and making it a blast!

I'm kicking Tommy's trash at Conference Bingo. :)

Working on re-listening to conference (with 2 ears this time...) where to start?
Favorite talk in conference....ready.... Go!

Working on re-listening to conference (with 2 ears this time...) where to start?
Favorite talk in conference....ready.... Go!

Mmmm pop tarts.

I swear Tommy can sense when I'm going to make a phone call and MUST have a meltdown every time I even look at the phone.

I swear Tommy can sense when I'm going to make a phone call and MUST have a meltdown every time I even look at the phone.

Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith-questioning, relationship-testing, life-altering experience. April is Infertility Awareness Month. Whether a friend, a family member, a colleague or yourself has fought through this difficult fate that MILLIONS of people are fighting day in and day out, post this as your status if you or someone you know has walked to hell & back for the chance to be a MOM.

Spent. People older than 25 should definitely go to bed at 9pm.

We're wearing shorts today. Just sayin'

I sleep deeper when I go to bed late.... Maybe my old lady bedtime is getting the boot.

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Birthday lunch with my sisters today? yes please.

Remember when facebook was all about poking?

Definitely going on a walk before the sun runs away. Anyone wanna join me?

What do you eat for Thanksgiving Dinner?
How come The Count (from sesame street - dude! He has a facebook page!) can't talk quietly? Why must he always yell? ONE! ONE BLUE BAT! AH AH AH AH!!!!

thinks redbox and subway should deliver
Playgroup makes my day go better

Just found a half-eaten box of thin mints! Score!!!

sour patch kids and starbursts jelly beans for 2nd lunch. Sugar much?

That song on The Office seriously just made me cry out loud. Pregnancy is pretty messed up.
Best place to get dress shoes for Tommy (18 months) ready....GO!

Is it bad that I'm putting off nap time to make sure I squeeze every "free" moment out of Signing Time? ~sigh~

Just found a half eaten crayon - exactly what does non-toxic mean?

OK, even I'M sick of the snow. The pool will be open in just a month and I have yet to think "Geez! It's been warm for more than 2 hours, why can't they just open it already?!" Lame.

OK, even I'M sick of the snow. The pool will be open in just a month and I have yet to think "Geez! It's been warm for more than 2 hours, why can't they just open it already?!" Lame.

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The theme song to The Odd Couple makes me happy.
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Carl Bloch here we come!
I think Josh needs to go back to Primary, he's currently singing "I love to read the holy scriptures" to the tune of "I love to see the temple" to Tommy. Did you just try it? It doesn't work.

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