Friday, September 30, 2011


I recently heard a lecture about setting goals and how it's important and good for you.

So, for your reading pleasure here are my goals for the weekend:

Eat things which are both delicious and bite-sized. M&Ms, popcorn, cupcakes.....shut up, they're bite-sized....ish.
Spend at least 6 daylight hours in jammies.
Find jammies that cover da belly so I can wear them and still be decent.
Be enlightened.
Read stories with Tommy.
See Josh.
See Josh run.
See Josh run toward food.
Oh wait - that was a book.
Hear at least one full talk live. Straight through. The whole thing. OK this is more a goal for Josh which makes it a wish for me and for him it should say "give my wife at least 1 break for 5 solid minutes". 
Enjoy a house filled with ladies in my neighborhood, their adorable children and chocolate. I love conference.

What are your goals?


Dr. Man "checked" me this morning. You remember how I feel about being checked, don't you? Guess what, it's not better this time around.

Also, since this isn't my first time Dr. Man doesn't feel the need to explain everything or reassure me that I'm not the only pansy to cross his exam table. Instead he feels the need to make small talk.

"Big plans this weekend?" He asked as he invaded my personal space in a way that should've earned him a kick in the face.

I gasped and tried to think of anything to say.

Which is when I realized that I haven't had weekend plans in roughly 2 years.

"Big plans this weekend?" used to be the ultimate small-talk question in my life because I conversed with adults on a regular basis. It came right after a comment about the weather and right before "have a good day, it was good to see you."

But now that I only associate with a 2 year old who knows nothing about small talk, I haven't been asked about my weekend plans in a long enough time that I forgot how to answer.

I can answer questions about toes and shoes and poop and stories, but weekends? An idea totally lost on me.

*gasp* "uuhhh.......let's see....*gasp*.....this weekend........just......conference?" I eeked out with what might have been my last breath. Which wouldn't really have been a shame considering I apparently have no plans for the weekend anyway.

"I hate to tell you this" Dr. Man began "but you're not really dilated at all, and he's still sitting pretty high."

I could have told him that. I mean, I could've told him that if I had regained my ability to breath.

"You might go closer to that due date than you want to." He went on.

The truth is that's fine by me, because remember about Tommy and trick-or-treating and Halloween and Josh being done with school? Right now when I look at the calendar, I think that later is definitely better. But I reserve the right to beg for mercy as I continue to get more and more uncomfortable.

Dr. Man is willing to induce me at 39 weeks if I want, but for now I'm aiming to make it to 40 weeks and 2 days at least.

The good news is that Little John's head is down as it should be, I don't have to go back to the Dr. for another 2 weeks (since nothing is going on anyway), and I'm allowed to take twice as much heartburn medication as I thought.

My question is this: If I asked you if you had big plans for the weekend, would you automatically have an answer because it's a conversation you have on a regular basis? If so, can we be friends? Apparently I need more of that in my life.

September 2011 FB Status

"I'm pretty much at my target weight...but the thing is I haven't quite reached my target height."
Oh Manny, I love you. And your Modern Family.

The day after camping is all about loving the air conditioning, washing machines, dishwashers and couches. ( excuse for not leaving my house all day.)

Did you know that a 2x4 is not actually 2" x 4"? Stupid.

I wanna start walking (slowly....maybe more waddling) in the early morning before Josh leaves for the day and Tommy wakes up. Anyone wanna join a pregnant lady for an early morning stroll a few times a week?
Josh and Tommy are wrestling on the love sac. I can't tell which of them is laughing so hard they're snorting, but either way it's adorable.

I love our ward - thanks everyone for the Progressive Dinner!

The microwave broke this morning, (won't stay shut) so it's currently taped closed until Josh can see if it's fixable when he gets home tonight. I told him it wasn't a big deal, because I could EASILY live without a microwave for a day.
It's 10:30 and I'm already not so sure that was true....

Oh Parenthood how I've missed you! Way to kick off the good fall tv season.

It was AWESOME to see so many of you at the temple tonight!!! Thanks for coming.

What school district is Sid the Science Kid in? Only 4 kids in a class? I'd live there.

Torn. Windows open at night makes me (and the power bill) happy. However, Tommy's room gets ZERO circulation and I'm scared he's going to boil to death if we turn off the AC and do windows instead (opening his bedroom windows would be bad - too much noise).
That's why I made Josh open Tommy's bedroom door on our way to bed tonight - and now why Josh is sleeping on Tommy's bed with him instead of in our bed sleeping with me. *sigh*
I lose.

Cancelling the newspaper was harder than changing my name on my drivers license.

Anybody in the neighborhood going to be around in about 2 hours that can help my little brother lift one heavy item into his car? - He thinks I won't be helpful.

Dear Signing Time,
Tommy is in love with The Zoo Train. It's awesome the first 10 times every day, then he weeps when I turn it off, throws himself on the floor because his mother is unbearably intolerably mean. What's the sign for "stop crying now or I swear I'll crack this DVD in half"?

Knowing that my house must be clean tomorrow has made me disgustingly unclean today. I'm not making beds, doing laundry or dishes or even picking up Tommy's socks.
Please don't visit.

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