Friday, March 6, 2009

Puke diaries

Maybe I should just rename my blog....but I can't help it - you've got to write about the things you spend your time doing. Lately, this is it.

There's just something un-glamorous about puking your guts out in a public restroom, then brushing your teeth in warm hand washing water and walking in late to the morning meeting because of it. Maybe it's the kneeling on the hard floor in a stall. Maybe it's the fact that someone might walk in any moment. Maybe it's the extra time spent trying to trick the sensor into flushing. Maybe it's that I can't lay down on the cold tile to cool off my face, or that I actually used one of those stiff paper towels to wipe off my face afterward. No matter what the reason, I think not the best way to start the day.

On the plus side, my mom feels much better about how the pregnancy is going now that I feel like crap. It makes her less nervous because she (and every woman she's ever known) only felt good when she was miscarrying.

People keep suggesting that the prenatals are doing it to me....I might be convinced, I never puke on the days I forget to take them.  So....Flinstones chewables, here we come.


  1. the ONE time i puked during this pregnancy was because i took my vitamin with nothing but fruit in my tummy. and i've noticed i feel TERRIBLE every time i do that. seriously i consider myself so lucky, but i'm afraid i'm going to get the "morning" sickness doubletime with my next.

  2. Oh that sounds so miserable! My dad is the same way as your mom. I haven't been affected by the sick bug at all (no puking for me thank goodness) so every time I complain of even the tiniest bit of nausea he nearly does a dance. Maybe I didn't get sick cause I had been taking a prenatal for a few months by the time I got pregnant. Maybe I'm just lucky. Anyways, I'm sorry you are having to deal with that!

  3. I didn't get sick when I was pregnant with Rachel, although I've also heard the "sick mom, healthy baby" saying.

    Good luck with that... :)

  4. Try the viatmins at night. I take mine before I go to bed and am fine. With Keaton I took it in the morning and was always sick.

  5. the flinstone vitamins work too. my old boss would use those instead of the prenatles.
    i have a perscirption med i take and when i was preggers with kason i had to eat something with it or i would get SO sick..
    one time before i knew i needed to eat with this pill i took it empty stomach and half way to work i puked all over the car.. bad idea

  6. I have read before that if you're experienceing morning sickness that you are more likely to carry to term and the lack of puts you at higher risk to miscarry. I felt great during Brendan's pregnancy.. and horrible during Taryn's. This one I am just not hitting morning sickness and I'm 7 weeks along.. BLAH so I am right there with ya. Read up on this website.. it's about everything morning sickness..

    Scroll down and on the left hand side it has several topics you can read up on.

  7. sorry I meant to say.. just now hitting morning sickness.. I've had it the last 3 days.. in the afternoon though :)

  8. I'm glad you've described puke at work because I've never had the experience. What happens if you take the prenatal at night?

  9. Call your doc and get some nausea meds- they did wonders for me! And they're TOTALLY safe!

  10. I was so sick -- definately call for nausea meds. I stayed off my prenatals most of my first trimester... my doc actually suggested the Flinstone chewables too :) I promise your baby will still love you and be just fine. Think of how many women don't even know their pregnant until 3 or 4 months and they haven't been taking any vitamins.... :)

  11. Well I have just caught up on your blog and had a good laugh at your expense. You spend so long longing for a baby and then you feel miserable. Has anyone told you, "It only last until 12 weeks." YOu have my permission to punch them. Try having the stomach flu for 12 weeks it's not a consolation. I threw up like crazy!! I tried doing the night thing and I'd wake up within an hour or two to throw up. Good Luck, nothing really helps it just sucks!!!

  12. Yuck- Im sorry your morning sickness has been so bad. :( I wanted to tell you we probably won't make it to the fire safety demo. And I wanted to warn you that a few other couples in the ward went to that same demonstration at the same restaurant and I guess they come to your house later and spend hours trying to get you to buy indoor sprinklers for your home :) ... So I've heard.

  13. Having never had the experience of throwing up in a public restroom, I'll just take your word for it that it's not something I would enjoy.

    "My child is not a monster". Oh, I was laughing so hard. Ü

    I love the song you have playing right now (No Good Deed). It is one of my favorites. Good choice.

    As for the fire saftey dinner, fortunately, er, I mean unfortunately, we won't be able to make it since we'll be somewhere in Missouri or Illinois around that time. However, I will agree with what Tiff said. Chris and I went to one with Brady and Gretchen. It was fun because we were there with friends but otherwise... Yikes! Beware for pressure to give them a date and time they can come over and "talk" ie: give you a hard sale about buying their $5000 equipment. Not kidding.

    Yea, good luck with that. I think if I were you I'd say I couldn't go because I had to puke since there was a monster inside of me. Ü


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