Monday, January 23, 2012

Today's Numbers

5: episodes of Blue's Clues
3: bowls of cereal
12,476: facebook updates about the football game (was it the Superbowl? why am I the only one who doesn't care about football)
14: times I've tried to convince Tommy that he wants to go shopping with me this morning
15: times he's convinced me that if I force him to go I'll regret it. I always do.
3: pounds gained since I bought an entire Costco cake for no good reason on Friday.
26: miles I'll have to run to make up for that. *dreamy sigh* totally worth it
78: animals dumped out on the living room floor
360: minutes of wakefulness. It's only 11am.
4: poopy diapers - what are we feeding these children?
29: tiny car accidents. did you know that a tiny matchbox car can take out a dump truck 20 times it's size? true story.
6: requests from Tommy for a nap. 
6: "Sure, you can have a nap"'s from mom.
0: naps

1 comment:

  1. I don't care about football, and the very best part of teaching Primary during this time of the year is that I don't have to listen to anyone tell me about the game.


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