Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What the heck?

OK I'm not sure if it's the baby, or the sickness, or the fact that I've had about 20 gallons of water today. But I swear every time I cough I just about pee my pants.

So I have to know, honestly: is all the hype about buying diapers for the moms or the babies?


  1. I would never dare to publicly comment on this subject, just be careful when you sneeze okay?

  2. It's totally a prego thing!! I recommend the REALLLLLLLLY thin pads. lol I swear every cough, sneeze, and even some laughs make you pee when your prego. lol And don't forget to do your kegel exercises!! ROFL

  3. WHAT?! I swear I read your blog more often than this!!! How did I miss that you're pregnant?!?!?! Oh man I'm so excited for you!

  4. Oh...memories. Pregnancy is SO great! I TOTALLY agree with getting the thin pads. You'll be glad you did when you're in a store and you sneeze...lol.

  5. I didnt have this problem but TONS of other people i have talked to have. thin pads!

  6. The hype about diapers is mainly for the baby but you do have to be careful...there is a decreasing amount of room for your bladder in there (especially with that growing baby)...just wait until the baby finds your bladder to be a great punching bag! You're too cute!

  7. I always wondered about the "need to pee" in the first trimester. I mean the baby is how big? Like a dot, appleseed, pea? Not big. And yet, you have to go soooo often.

    The third trimester is also wonderful. You're pretty much constantly peeing by that point. I was working and would take a bathroom break like every hour or half hour. I felt so bad, but it couldn't be helped. :P

    Good luck with that.

  8. LOL!!!!! Oh it never does go back. Seriously, all the potty stops we make are generally for me not the kids, although we make them take the opportunity to empty their little bladders, that are apparently not as small as mine. Enjoy the bathroom!

  9. Sadly, I have no advice in this matter, but you always make me laugh! :)


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