Thursday, February 12, 2009

I got friends in high places…

The funny thing about finding out that you’re pregnant is that all of a sudden you feel justified in being exhausted and hungry and grouchy all the time. In real life (if I’m being honest….and I am) I’m not THAT more crazy/ornery/hungry/tired than I usually am. It’s just that now, all of a sudden, I have a free pass to say something about it, and DO something about it.
I’m allowed to eat all day long every day. And nobody will look at me weird if I smuggle fruit snacks to church.  I am allowed (and even expected) to take a nap as soon as I get home from work. Because “the baby is taking all of my energy to grow so much so fast”.
The best part? I went up to the cafeteria (because you know…I haven’t eaten in almost 2 hours and I’m STARVING) and I really REALLY wanted an apple. Only I can’t just bite into an apple because it’s all juicy and gross and contaminated and noisy and sticky. And the baby doesn’t like me to have sticky fingers while I’m working. Or maybe it’s me that doesn’t like that. Oh well. Who cares.
Anyway, I was whining about it to one of my very favorite people in the world, who happens to work in the cafeteria. “Do you want me to cut it for you?” Ummm…. “YES please!”
I seriously feel like I just found a gold mine. My friend will cut my apples for me! It’s like having my mommy take care of me, only better because she doesn’t tell me what my curfew is.
I’m just sayin’ it’s good to have friends who will take care of you when you suddenly have an excuse to ask for anything you want. Also it's good to have friends who are powerful enough to have access to a sharp knife at work.


  1. Somehow I completely missed that you are pregnant?!?!?! CONGRATULATIONS! I am soooooooooo excited for you!

  2. yes i loved being able to say things like "its okay im preggo!" lol
    especially snacks at church!

  3. That's AMAZING! Way to pick the right friends.

  4. Can I just tell you that your blog makes my day? You have got to be the funniest blogger I know and I LOVE it!

  5. I'm with you on the sticky fingers thing. It's for that very reason I can't eat an orange very well. (It has to be peeled - and I hate peeling them) I wish I could find a nice lady to peel my oranges for me.

  6. I'll peel your dang oranges Bec. Amy, you are one of the funniest people I know!!! May you never disappear from blogging land.

  7. So I'm a slacker, this I know...but CONGRATS!!! OH MY GOSH that's so EXCITING!!!! ('s been a crappy week, so I have to get excited about something) YAYAYAY FOR YOU!!! Holy cow that's just...yay. Another baby I can dote on :D

  8. I'm SO excited for you!!! Babies are the best and you will be a fabulous mom!

  9. I think it's important to always make friends with the person who has the most weapons. I'm glad that for your job that just means the cafeteria lady. Good job! Now that I see the power in it, I think I'm an aspiring cafeteria lady.


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