Wednesday, August 31, 2011

An Affair To Remember

Remember back when you were in Elementary School? ....Jr. High? ..... High School? College?

Remember when you fell in love with someone and practiced writing your name with their last name all over your notebook? Because it was fun. And you wanted to see what it would look like at the bottom of your checks from your joint bank account? Whoa, flashback! Remember checks? 

It's been a while since I did that now that I'm all married and stuff, but yesterday we got a piece of mail that made me fall in school-girl-love all over again. With a very unlikely candidate.

The HOA.

I'm not even lying. I am not generally a HOA lover. In fact often I'm downright annoyed by the HOA and in the interest of full disclosure I think I'll never live in an HOA controlled area again.

But this. This extension of the pool season has me all sorts of whooped again.

Daddy & Tommy have a routine when Daddy comes home from work.

Tommy hears the door open downstairs and his makes his fake-surprised face with his lips all O-shaped while he gasps and I say "who could it be?" Then he gets down on his hands and knees and crawls over to the top of the stairs to peek around the corner.

Daddy thumps and bumps and drops his shoes and keys and other noisy things, then starts to stomp up the stairs while Tommy waits anxiously to see if it really is Daddy coming up here. It always is.

Daddy crawls up the last few stairs so he's already on his hands and knees when he reaches Tommy and says "Hi my fam-i-leeeee!!!!" and Tommy gives him hugs and kisses. By now my heart is mush and I've breathed my sigh of relief signifying that we might survive the rest of the night now that Daddy is home.

After a bit of post-work wrestling Tommy drags Daddy to his bathroom to find his "simma-suit up high!!!" (because we store his swimsuit draped over the shower curtain rod where it dries) and begins to demand that they go to the "poo! poo! poooooool!!!!!!"

The boys swim for a couple of hours and come home water-logged, exhausted and hungry. Tommy walks straight to the bathroom to splash in the tub for a second before jammies, dinner and bed. He initiates all of these activities, pointing to the next step in the process and dragging the adults around by their pointer fingers.

This is why I knew my life would be over after Labor Day when the pool closed and Josh entered full-blown over-worked, under-paid, exhausted, unavailable student/bread-winner mode.

This is why the pool staying open through the month of September gives me a new kind of hope that I simply can't explain.

Maybe my life isn't over.

Besides, Amy Lavina HOA doesn't sound so bad. Does it?

Jump! Jump! Jump!

Summertime is all about new romances. Right? Right.

Tommy's new love is jumping. Tigger taught him how.

He walked around the house for 2 full days (and counting) practicing bouncing and jumping every step while hauling Tigger around by his little spring-loaded legs. I'm working diligently on capturing the adorableness on video, but my sitting around his really hindered my ability to follow Tommy around lately. So here's a really pathetic picture of it instead.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 2011 FB Status


The zoo was fun, the melty Starbursts in the car when we got out were just as fun.
Sometimes people shove money in my purse and push me out of their houses.
Think I could quit my job and just go to people's houses and see if they pay me to leave?
On hold with one company for 32 minutes (and counting) and haven't thrown the phone out the window yet - someone please applaud me? PLEASE?
After a weekend of staying up late and getting up early with only short catnaps in the car, Tommy is napping for real (2 hours!) and I am in heaven.

Tommy ran into the room and gave me a big big hug. I pulled him tight and asked him "who loves you?" and he looked straight past my shoulder at a picture of Stella on the computer and shouted "STELLLA!!!!!!"
Help! I'm trapped in the 80's section of church music and too lazy to go change it. Lousy iTunes...
In 1943 Grandpa thought it noteworthy that he paid $.65 for two slices of french toast and says it was "plenty high!" This is just a few weeks after he replaced all 4 tires on his Model A Ford for $20.60.

Camping = fun!
Post-camp nap = ETERNAL (and therefore beautiful)

Josh took Tommy to the pool about an hour ago. Tommy and I swam for almost 2 hours this morning - should I go join them? or assume they'll be waterlogged soon and enjoy the peace and quiet while I still can?

Josh is giving me a pedicure while I eat a corndog for 2nd dinner. Could I possibly be more pregnant? I think not.

So far this morning Tommy has head-butted my nose, and smacked me in the face with a (plastic) baseball bat - made me cry both times. He's gone to time-out twice, thrown himself on the floor 5 times, and had at least 2 full-blown breakdowns.
I blame the fact that he was awake from midnight to 5 this morning. He blames the fact that his mom is mean. It's gonna be a long day.

Wishing I didn't have to go pick up my Bountiful Basket this morning. Tommy's sleeping like a baby and Josh is already at school. *sigh*

Going to the Stake Preparedness Fair - I heard the fire truck will be there - come join us!

Lady and the Tramp might be the most boring Disney movie ever made.

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