I tried pack and get us ready to go Thursday night, but still had those few things to do before you're really ready to go on Friday, but I left work (right at 5:00, please be impressed) and we were out the door by 6:00. Josh had spent his day getting the truck and the wave runners ready to go, so by the time I got home, there was only a little to do.
As we started up the canyon Josh was watching the temperature gauge on truck intently. He didn't talk, he just stared at the gauges. I asked him if he was OK and he said yeah, but didn't say anything else. I told him if he was going to be this paranoid the whole way up I'd rather take the car and no wave runners. He struggled with that for a while. The last time he towed something up a canyon road it blew his entire engine and cost him $5,000. So he was a little worried about taking them this time. But he had talked to his dad (his dad is so great) and he told him to just to watch it and be safe and we'd be OK. So we did and we were. We got stuck in this nightmarish traffic jam on the way up, but I quizzed him on his anatomy stuff for school and made good use of the time. As we pulled down looking over Bear Lake I got SOO excited! It's such a beautiful lake and we got to stay there! Josh and I were talking and have a great time, I love car trips with him, he's fun. We blasted the tunes through the canyon, we talked about stuff, and seriously had a great time. Then he looked at me and then looked at the big sign on the road that said "WELCOME TO IDAHO - we don't litter here" or something like that. Yep, we sure had missed the turn. The cabin we were staying at is way up the mountain, but it's not in Idaho, so we had totally missed the turn and were just going on our merry little way. :) Fortunately he found a driveway and turned us back around and we found the turn. We pulled up just a couple of seconds after the Egberts did, so it was good we went to Idaho, because nobody would have been there anyway.
Saturday morning Josh and I were up early and ready to go play, but we had to wait for everyone else. We made it down to the beach at about 11:00 and Nancy and Meleta had rented some wave runners too, so we had 4 total and we all got to play on them a lot. The place the rented from wouldn't let us launch our own from their dock, so we had to use Meleta's friends private beach. She has a house literally ON the beach, and they had to drag our stuff out there with their big fat tractor. This tractor was so cool, I was impressed. Anyway, they drive the tractor right into the water. So at first Josh took me out and I was really scared, but he was patient and nice and went slow for me, then I got to drive my own and it was SOO cool! So I was out playing and FLYIN' across the water. Then Josh came and found me on his and we were playing with each other, it was awesome. Then, all of a sudden, out of NOWHERE, he does this CRAZY 180 on the machine. He seriously just flipped around. So he taught me how to do it, and eventually i figured it out and that was AWESOME. You're going really fast in one direction and you just turn it hard and you slide across the top of the water, it was sooo rad. So, I did a few times, then I did it again and it tipped the thing up on it's side, so I'm trying to balance it out and lean the other way so I can get it back down to normal, and I totally lost it. Yep, I flipped the thing over, fell out and everything. So, there I am in the water with my wave runner bottom up. I felt pretty dumb. Josh came and saved me, turned me right side up and we went on our merry little way. We had a great time. All the while I'm trying to remember to put on sunscreen every 5 minutes so we don't get burned. Josh really couldn't get burned because he has to get a massage all the time for school, and oh man, that would HURT. So, we tried to keep up on it, he still got a little burned on his shoulders and we both burned the tops of our feet. But, I think we're gonna be OK. :) By the time we packed up and came home we were so tired and beat we went to bed at like 10:30. Sunday morning we had breakfast and packed up to go, so it was a short trip but DEFINITELY a good one. I'm officially converted to wave runners and can't wait till we buy our own.
Next weekend we get to go with Jamie & Cameron and we're going to the KOA campground which will be a party. If only we could have the wave runners again, I think Josh's uncle is taking them back to Idaho, but we'll still have fun playing at the beach, that's for sure. I'm excited.
That sounds like SOOOO much fun! Good job on being brave and learning to do a 180! I can't wait to see pictures and I can't wait till next weekend. It will be so much fun!