Saturday, May 24, 2008

The end

It's 10:05 AM on Saturday. My husband will be home in 4 short hours, He will be coming home from his last clinic at UCMT and we are officially DONE with school! I should say that he is done with school, but even though I haven't studied with him, gone to classes, or prepared for tests I feel like I've been in school for the past year too. For the last time, I have a Saturday morning filled with cartoons (aka HGTV) blogging, and sleeping in! I couldn't be more happy with the fact that it's my last Saturday of this. I like all of those things, but "it's always better when we're together".

Since Josh is a morning person, I'm pretty sure I won't get away with lounging around in my bathrobe at 11:00 on a Saturday morning. he'll be up at 7:00 and want to get up and "go somewhere! come on it's so boring here!" which means that this summer I may learn to play racquetball, we'll definitely explore the Davis County mountains, and I'm hoping we eat a lot more banana pancakes. I know we'll be doing a lot more picnics, camping trips, and home improvements. In all, it's going to be a great summer and I couldn't be more THRILLED that it starts today!

So in celebration of the last day of school, we stayed up and played games late last night, and this morning Josh got up and I slept in. He went off to work at school, while I stayed in bed. Until the doorbell rang. We all know I have issues with answering the door when I'm not prepared to do so. So, I stayed in bed and didn't answer it. Fortunately it woke me up, and I was kinda ready to get up, so I lazily rolled out of bed, poured myself a bowl of fruity pebbles, and turned on the tv.

I love that this is my last lonely Saturday, and starting Monday, Josh is free again!

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