3: number of new careers we discovered for Josh. You know, just in case he wants to go back to school anytime soon. he doesn't.
5: number of $1 toys we bought at Target to keep the children entertained for the drive.
Unknown: the number of $1 toys from Target it would take to keep the children entertained for the drive.
14: the number of times John smacked his head on the metal bars of the crappy hotel crib every night before falling down and either falling asleep or passing out. I'm not sure which....
4: number of sunburned part lines in my hair. I was trying to move my part regularly so I wouldn't get sunburned.
8: number of incredibly talented dolphins performing at Sea World.
1: number of rest stops we used to get out and stretch our legs. It was 1 too many.
2: number of pictures we took with Tommy and Mr. T. in Vegas. Poor Tommy was traumatized but too tired to know it.
3/4: number of hamburgers eaten straight off Tommy's plate by a seagull.
0: number of tide pools we saw. Wrong time of year I guess.
3: number of "real life" errands we ran on vacation.
7: number of waves crashing over Tommy's head before he stopped thinking it was fun.
69: dollars spent on salads.
15: hotel waffles baked and consumed.
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