Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 2012 FB Status

Josh (and I) can't decide where to go on vacation with his week off work over our anniversary next month. I told him if he doesn't pick somewhere we'll stay home and potty train Thomas instead. Stay tuned.....
Everybody at my house was awake at 2, and 3, and 4 last night. Only Josh was up at 6. So.....I suppose that's success?
I have 2 $1 off target diapers (Up & Up) coupons that expire at the end of the month and I'd rather die than buy more diapers before the end of the month. Anybody want them?
Thought Josh would want to know about free slurpee day so I called him:
Me: Hey it's free slurpee day - don't forget.
Josh: Yeah, I've already had 3 and I'm on my way to number 4.
Oh the perks of driving around all day long. Lucky Josh.
I wish there was a coffee house in my neighborhood. Not for the coffee, but for the place to get a drink and read a book.
Does anybody in the neighborhood provide child care? I know a couple of people looking and I feel like there's GOT to be someone here.... (@Melanie Parker Thompson I have your info already, but you're full right?)
Tommy just shushed me announcing "mama, be COOO-I-ET" then plopping in a pile of blanket and pillow on the love sac. He's now "napping". Somehow that makes the shushing less offensive.
Miracle of miracles! All our crap fits in the trunk of my car. California here we come! (tomorrow)
easy cheese & wheat thins with a side of raspberry M&M's - listening to my boys sleep and reading up on Sea World for tomorrow. (suggestions? do they really not allow food in? will they look in my backpack?) I really like vacation.
Help me convince josh that grocery shipping is an appropriate beach vacation activity! (i am a trader joe's virgin
Do you tihnk I can get a dermatologist to write me a prescription for "walking on the beach" for my dry cracked heels? If so will my insurance cover it if I fly generic (Southwest) to the beach? Cuz.....I could totally go for that.
pinterest says I can bake hard boiled eggs and it makes them easier to peel. Anybody tried it? true or false?
something fun to do in Layton with my 2 kids this afternoon for 3 hours. Ready.....GO!
Listening to Tommy read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to himself. #mychildisagenius #love
Measuring flour out of a 5 gallon bucket to make cookies makes me think of my mom.
I can't decide which country i'm cheering for.....
I sort of resent that the women gymnasts have to do stupid dancy moves on their floor routines when the men just get to look like powerhouses they are.


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