Saturday, November 9, 2013

Worst Breakup Ever

I've complained in a lot of venues about our landlord because living here has been....slightly less than thrilling in the landlord/tenant relationship.

We've had strangers show up to the door asking to see our home because it was listed as a short sale on the MLS. We've had notices of default on the mortgage posted on the front door. We've been to trustee's sale twice only to learn that Gabriel had filed for personal bankruptcy in order to stay the sale. But he never completed the bankruptcy, so it was dismissed, restarting the trustee's sale process.

We've had floods and water problems which he ignored (or took 3 days to respond to). We've worked hard to make the yard a little better, and show this house a little love and our efforts are typically....well unappreciated is the generous way to say it.

We've sortof known that this house could be foreclosed on at any moment and we'd have 90 days to find a new place. But moving is expensive (and such a pain) that we figured we'd just wait for that to happen. Or until we were ready to buy, then we'd give Gabriel our 30 days' notice and bolt.

On Halloween night while we were at my mom's with the whole family that HE was giving US 30 days and we had to be out so he could "move in" in order to qualify for a loan modification.
I saw the text and immediately started sobbing. Because I'm a sissy and I felt totally rejected.

It's like when you're in a crappy relationship, but you put up with the guy even though he's a jerk and then he breaks up with you before you can beat him to the punch, which leaves you feeling like even a jerk doesn't want you.

I cried for at least 3 days, and I keep getting weepy when I see the things I love about here.

I'll miss our ward. I'll miss our house. I'll miss the stability I was finally starting to feel here. I'll miss the neighbors and the mountains out my front door and I'll really really miss the sight of Tommy crouched under the apple tree stirring the dirt and being a little boy.

But I won't miss the floods, the broken water pipes, the bees (oh the bees!) or the crazy tree stump that looks like a person in the front yard. I won't miss the sumac shoots that will. not. quit. or the weeds which will likely take over the lavender bushes in front. I won't miss the insane utility bills or the constant draft in the winter. I won't miss wondering if we can keep living here or if we're going to get notice that we're out. I won't miss the front of Provo Courthouse waiting for a trustee's sale that won't happen. And I won't miss the landlord.

So I suppose as is usual, change is good. And as soon as we find a place to live, I'll be looking forward to that change.

Now I have to try to find my living room which is currently buried in boxes and attempt to get some packing done. If I don't leave my house for the next 3 weeks, just forgive me. OK?


  1. I'm so sorry Amy. What a nightmare! I hope you find a place soon and love it a million times more than your current place.
    I don't remember if I already told you about it, but two years ago our landlord told us he had sold our unit to his son without us knowing and his son wanted us out asap. So we spent our holidays frantically looking for a new place to live. But, God was definitely behind it all because we were guided to the place we currently live. I never in a million years would have moved here on my own thinking, but under those circumstances and with the promptings of HG we are where we are. And we have seen many reasons why we were led here. Moving and looking for places to rent is pure torture, especially during the holiday season, but I'm grateful we can now look back and see the God's hand in it.
    But dude, your landlord! Gah. Someone's getting coal for Christmas.
    Anyhow, thinking of you! Big hugs! Good luck!

  2. It's such a nightmare...alomost wish there were more rights for renters. Landlords can request your credit history but you can't request theirs to make sure they're paying their mortgage :(

  3. Sorry bout the big hassle of moving. :( Glad you're sticking around the area though. In my book, you still broke up with him.


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