Sunday, February 5, 2012

Photo A Day: 10am

10am should have looked like church.

Instead it looked like this.

The cold-from-hell is kicking my boys' butts.


  1. Sorry your boys are sick!! We stole "your seats" in sacrament meeting because we were both on the stand for the beginning part. Would have loved to sit by you :) Hope you are all feeling better soon.

  2. Oh, my goodness! That first picture of Tommy melts my heart.

    But I'm so sorry your boys are sick! Get better soon...if you can (this cold has a grip of steel).

  3. I spy with my little eye a really cool orange "ugly doll" there in that top pic!! Also, I was really glad that you are all well again and made it to play group today! Sick season sucks.


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