Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Tommy is starting to understand things now and to be honest it's sometimes terrifying, other times it's adorable. But every now and then it straight up breaks my heart.

Terrifying: "Sorry mom. Sorry mom.sorrymomsorrymomsorry." When he can hear the quiver in my voice and I'm about to lose it. He slowly and gently reaches up to put his open hand on my cheek. This move has saved him more than once.

Adorable: "oooohhhh so soft to Johnny. He just little." While he hands the Little One a teddy bear as gently as he knows how.

Heart breaking: "No Nemo! No! No Nemo! Come back! Come back Nemo!" While watching Nemo disobey his father and go after the boat. Tommy comes running to me for a big hug because "scary* Nemo [makes] Tommy sad."

*When Tommy says "scary" it sounds like he's saying "Siri". It's just one of a million words I love to hear him say. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Photo A Day: money

It's unfortunate that I couldn't get Tommy to show you (the camera) what we do with "mun-nee mun-nee" because you wouldda thought it was real cute. 

He was busy demanding that I "coooook-a skettios!"

February 2012 FB Status

Can I buy a decent sewing machine for $150? I hardly know how to sew, I don't need anything fancy - just something for SIMPLE projects, crafts, and mending clothes..... 

does anybody have the galaxy phone on the tmobile network? I'm thinking about getting a grown up phone and wondering if I'd like that one...
Valentine's Day in my sweat pants watching tv and pinteresting while Josh studies his brains out. So romantic.
I gotta do laundry and dishes and unpacking and cleaning and organizing all day long. Anybody have a good excuse for me to NOT do it?
February days that feel like Spring? I'll take it!
My kid just ate an entire cucumber, half a zucchini, an orange and a whole avocado for lunch. Thank you produce co-op.

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