Friday, December 30, 2011

One Thing I Love About Spring in December

One thing I love about spring in December (aka 2011) is that Tommy can do his favorite thing (throwing rocks in the water) even though it's December.

Also doing yoga on the back porch of Grandma Huggie's cabin. (no photo - you're welcome)

55 degrees, clear skies and I still ran inside

For the first time in my time in my life I hate that it gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon because it drives me to the gym instead of the trail.

I hate it.

But even though I whine about it, I secretly love that Josh really won't let me run alone after dark. It's stupid, but it makes me feel tiny. Like Josh doesn't think it's unreasonable that some big bad guy is gonna throw me over his shoulder and steal me. The truth is, it's entirely unreasonable. But I love that Josh thinks it's possible.

Tonight I ran in the gym again. Because I couldn't get my butt out the door during the 8 short hours of daylight. I was trying to rush home to help with bedtime, so I only ran a mile. But I ran the whole dang thing.

And I only felt a little stupid when the lady who was well into her workout when I got there was still going strong when I left. (I am such a sissy.)

Also I fit through the hole in the fence again. Just sayin'.

Go Utes!

Josh and I might be the most apathetic people on the planet when it comes to sports. But when it comes time to choose between the U and BYU, we always pick Utes - mostly to make my mom mad. (And it works every time.)

But Great Grandma B (Josh's mom's mom) really wanted pictures of the boys in U clothes. So we did a tiny photoshoot.

Tommy was so cute with John. He used his highest pitched voice "Hi John!" he squeaked "John awake. John? John. Ball John. John. Tommy. A match?" He hardly stopped talking to John the whole time.

John shows off his dimples
Tommy steals the ball

And my favorite picture of all - eat your heart out mom, John LOVES the U. ;)

December 2011 FB Status


How do you store your kids stuffed animals? Tommy has so many it's out of control and they desperately need a home....

Dear Josh,
I know we promised each other that we'd never let our kids watch Barney....but he was so excited about "Dinosaur! zoo!!! purple!" that I couldn't help it.
Please forgive me? I swear we'll watch spiderman next....

Dear Finals Week,
I want my husband back.
Bite me,

John's blessing day

What game show are you so good at (at home) that you know you go on and win?
What game show are you so good at (at home) that you know you go on and win?
miracle of miracles - John is sleeping in his bed! (don't pinch me, I don't care if I'm dreaming...)
Quick quick - what's your favorite "brown banana" recipe?
I know it was a good idea to buy it for Christmas when Josh calls 3 days before Christmas telling me HE wants to buy it for Christmas. (man, he ruins all of my surprises!)
Where's your favorite place to vacation in July?

Tommy: "more crackers!"
Dad: "We already had crackers. Let's put them away."
Tommy: "2 crackers!"
Dad: "We already had 2 crackers."
Tommy: "!"
Dad: "......"
Tommy: "firteen! 'leven! ferteeen!!!!!"
5 minutes later....
Tommy: "nine crackers?"
I love having a kid who talks.

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Tommy trying to keep me out of the bathroom where he has discovered Santa's (not so) secret stash of presents.

turns out John has dimples! World's most adorable smile
We put Tommy down for bed more than an hour ago. He just walked out of his room walked straight up to Josh and told him "Awake! Tommy awake."
Josh and I are both trying not to let him see us giggling at his adorable self.

John thinks it's funny to wear sports paraphernalia.

I'm curious.....What are your goals for 2012?

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