Thursday, December 30, 2010

December FB Posts


Goal for the day: no tv. All. Day. Long.
Sad that it has to be goal huh?

9pm Josh is dead asleep on the couch - so much for our movie night.

Since we can't stay awake through a whole movie - we're busting out Remington Steele - Hello 1982!

I hate finals week.

Dear Printer,
There is not a paper jam, so please stop saying that there is. I have 400+ statements to print today, and only 30 more minutes of naptime. I have no time for your shennanegans! (or for facebook...)

is not excited about all the cleaning that MUST happen today. Santa would never come to a home this filthy. *sigh*

's listening to Josh sing Tommy to sleep. Best Christmas present ever.
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