Saturday, June 30, 2012

Jun 2012 FB Status


The rule used to be "no jumping on the couch, only on the love sac"
last week it was "no jumping on the couch with your shoes on"
but today I just said "wipe your feet before you jump on the couch"
I'm getting soft and he's only 2.
Oh he's crawling. 😢
How long do I have before he's joining his brother in the couch jumping expeditions? I have a lot to do before then....
If you have a second to pray for Josh to remember all the stuff he's learned, he could use all the help he can get on the NCLEX today. 🙂
Josh: Can you go get us campsite 14 for next weekend?
Amy: (30 seconds later) done and DONE!
And just like that we've planned our first camping trip for this year. 😃
Which of you is a pampered chef dealer?
Miraculously josh passed his big fatty test!!! Best! News! EVER!!! (a few more '!' or do you get the excitement level over here? Just in case: !!!!!!!!!)
Tommy just knocked over a giant stack of Josh's work stuff.
Josh: "ooooooh man! Thomas!!!!!!" (about to lose it if we're being honest)
Tommy: "dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNN"
Josh: OK, you win.
How did I get such a cool kid?
Tommy: One more dis one!
Mommy: Another pop tart? (we're out of milk and eggs....not a great breakfast morning at our house)
Tommy: Oh yes mommy. I LOVE dees ones.
Mommy: More than anything?
Tommy: Yes. More than EVERYthing!!! A more a more a pop tarts! Yes! Yes! I LOVE them!
Items I've pulled out of John's mouth today include (but are not limited to) a gum wrapper, a string, a grape, and his fists. Also we learned that he IS interested in the stairs and crawls faster than Josh and I pay attention. (ouch.)
So the gate is going up (I hate the gate) and I think I might have to carry him for the next 6-12 months of his life. *sigh* my arms hurt already.
I really love the song in the Blu Ray commercial at the beginning of Cars 2. Which somehow makes it better that we watch that movie 20,000 per week. 😃
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