Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 2011 FB Posts

Our first day home and family nap time = a huge success. I think we'll make this mandatory and daily starting now.

Does anybody have a Babies R Us coupon I can have for keeps?
Dear Josh,
Taking John in the middle of the night so I could sleep might be the most romantic thing you've ever done. I've fallen in love with you all over again.
Your Adoring Wife
We listened to Christmas music yesterday on the way to the Dr.'s office and woke up to winter this morning. I just LOVE this time of year.
Does polishing off a bag of Halloween Oreos count as "cleaning up" now that Halloween is over? I think yes.

There is something so SO satisfying about feeding my baby a bottle of MY milk and not formula.
Would have died without my mom today. Thank goodness for grandmas!

watching Cars while we eat breakfast: When Lightning revs his engine to tip the tractors Tommy just jumped about 10 miles in his seat and tossed his spoonful of cereal in the air. Totally worth the mess.

All 3 of my boys are sleeping. Why am I not? Oh yeah, because 8 o clock on a Saturday night and I'm trying to prove I'm cool.

The Book of Mormon according to Josh & Tommy:
Josh: "Then Moroni said 'fight for family, God and PEACE' (while making the peace sign)"
Tommy: "Peace (while flashing a unknown gang sign as an attempt at peace)"
Josh: "and hippies"
Tommy: "Aaaa-men!"
I accidentally thumbs upped something on Pandora and now they're playing things like it. Where's the undo button? (Also, why hasn't someone invited me to spotify yet? I might be the only human alive who has neither an iPhone nor a spotify account. *sigh*)

I love it when Josh has time off work and plays Mr. Mom.

And the season of commercials that make me cry begins

Sometimes I think Tommy says "mom mom mom MOOMOMMMMYY! mom. mom. mommy. mommy" a thousand times in a row just to hear me say "yes." a thousand times in a row.
Because when he doesn't, he hears me so "no!" a thousand times in a row.

Stake Conference was amazing tonight - glad I stayed through all of the talks.
Very few things are as adorable as Tommy asking for daddy to "pow-dah (powder) bum?" after a bath.
The lazy mom in me wants to settle for a wipe-bath for John. The nose on me is dying for the real thing.

Yes!!!! Bowling is awesome with a 2-yr-old

Anybody in the neighborhood still up and have 3 eggs I can borrow?
3 pies & 1 batch of rolls - check
potatoes, carrots & stuffing ready to cook first thing in the morning - check
What are the chances I can have myself and my 3 boys (and all the food) ready and in the car by 10? (Answer: keep dreaming)

Key lime pie for breakfast and NOT fighting the black friday crowds? I guess it's a pretty good day.

and....EVERYone is up at my house. Sheesh!

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Dear Ms. Judgerson of Walmart,
I know my baby was crying and I know it's because he was hungry. You telling me that and trying to explain why babies cry, while I was trying to entertain a 2 year old, soothe the newborn and pay for my groceries was not helpful. Don't look at me like I'm the world's worst mother for checking out while he screamed.
New mom of 2 just trying to feed my family.

I need some awesome date ideas for fall/winter. Great ideas?


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