Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 14 - Switcheroo

Day 14 - a photo of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

There are a lot of people whose lives seem fascinating to me. People whose lives are full of glamor and excitement, a never ending list of places they've been and things they've done. People who I'd love to be for a day. Oprah, my mom, significant people from history, Darlene (the lady who used to live above me and stomped around her apartment all day long...I'm just curious - what was she actually doing?), and Tommy to name a few.

But when it really comes down to it, I'm convinced that Jessica's life is the one I secretly wish I had. She has one beautiful child (and one on the way) a doting husband (fresh flowers every week), an adorable shower curtain to take baby bump photos in front of, she enjoys running (what would it be like to crave a "quick 7 mile run"?), travels the world, has an super-cool grown-up job and a degree. She eats at fancy restaurants with her best friends and family, she walks around downtown because she lives close enough and spends summer weekends at the farmer's market and shopping at outdoor malls. Also she is drop dead gorgeous. Always.

I get that blogs are mostly about highlights of people's lives, and I'm almost convinced she has a bad day every now and again, but to me her life looks perfect. Really. It does. And right now my life could use a little more perfection.

But here's the thing, I don't actually own any photos of her because I'm really just a bit of a stalker. So I've done the ultimate stalker thing. I stole a family photo from her blog and am posting it here. Creepy? Yes.* Flattering? I hope. At least enough to balance out the creepy.

I'm curious, who would you switch with?

(Sorry Jess, if you're freaked out let me know and I'll take it down.)

Some things you should know about Tommy

You know how you can check your stats to see what people are searching for when they wind up here? The most googled phrase that leads people to this blog is "Tommy Two Scoops". I think I might start calling him that. Because I like it just that much. Tommy Two Scoops. (poor boy....) Also a lot of people looking for a floating uterus wind up here. Sorry friends, it wasn't actually floating.

Also: Hello readers in South Korea and Denmark!

Now, on to the point of this post. Tommy. Tommy Two Scoops. (say it like "Bond. James Bond." and be glad I'm not calling him "Scoops, Tommy Two Scoops" because that would be worse.)

One of Tommy's new favorite games is:
Mom: "Who's the smartest boy"
Tommy: energetically slaps hand to chest, lifts his chin up and flashes that cheeser grin.
Mom: "meeee!!!!"
repeat with the funniest, handsomest, gigglin'-est boys.

He also has taken a liking to emptying the bucket, and putting it over his head. Then he walks around until he runs into something and takes the bucket off his head and fake-laughs. "ha ha ha ha" he says.

I'm calling his first real word "duck". He has this ginormous duck (thanks Misty!) which he loves, and when I say "where's the duck" he turns around in a circle until he can see it. Then he beelines for it saying "duh! duh! duh!" all the way. He also points out the ducks in books, the rubber ducky in the bathtub and if anybody quacks, he responds with "duh! duh! duh!"

He "reads" his first words book. He opens the book, sees the picture and signs what it is. Then I tell him how smart he is.

Also, he's starting to look more like a Fugal every day.

Sickest baby in the West. See those eyes? Ouch.

Handsome isn't he?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 13 - Bag Lady

Day 13 - A description of what's currently in your handbag, purse, diaper bag:

I give you My Purse:

The contents of my purse is pretty standard, and rarely changes.

Camera - because my life is totally that photo-worthy.

The man wallet. Yes, I have the man-wallet. Because I can't fit a lady-wallet in my purse. But I have a beautiful leather one that I'll use as soon as I graduate to an old-lady bag.

Hand sanitizer and lotion are essentials. Because my life is totally that gross (hand sanitizer) and dry (lotion). But to be honest these haven't needed to be replaced in more than a year, so....probably not really as essential as I think they are.

Toiletries - I always have a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, tweezers, mascara, nail file, nail clippers, a bobby pin, and a twistie because they are just the kind of emergency items that a girl's gotta have. Also if I ever get stranded on an island, I feel confident that these items will get me off (if Josh is around).
Also, apparently I thought I needed an emergency lipstick, but I've never used it. So I just threw it away.

The mirror is for contact emergencies. But I don't have contacts. So...mostly it's a toy for Tommy.
The single wet wipe does get used and replaced on a relatively regular basis.

Also there is an assortment of pens, gum wrappers, coins and a movie stub.

The diaper bag is much more fun. In addition to diapers, wipes, a change of clothes for Bubbah (accompanied by bathing supplies), and snacks "for Bubbah"; I always pack a book or two for him, one for me (Miss Julia today), a ball, stacking cups, a truck, a train, a stuffed creature (there are many to choose from) and a deck of cards.

If I got stranded on an island with the diaper bag I won't be bored. At not least long enough for Josh to use the bobby pin and tweezers to get me off the island.

January 2011 FB Status

Let's talk about LHC (lame holiday celebration). What are you doing to celebrate today? And can I steal your ideas? 

Does facebook ever end? I swear I could scroll down for the rest of my life and never ever reach the bottom.

This might be the most glad I've ever been to be a stay at home mom. I so needed that nap time!

Enfamil formula just mailed me $4 of Enfamil money. Does anybody want it before I throw it away?

Jl 3710iyur1m14ma2a10uh1fiaa1l45nl84m 3934al6 
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I wanna go swimming. Please?

Netflix + Whirlypop = no more theater! (hoorah)
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