Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November FB Posts


tried to take my little one on a walk....what a disaster. He's still crying.....

It's gonna be a good good day.

I have every intention of sleeping in tomorrow. At least until Tommy wakes up....

sleeping in AND Zupa's for lunch today? Now if only I had any assurance that Josh would be home before midnight tonight this day would be perfect. *sigh*

OK my NSL friends, I need the best local donut place....READY? go!

having to confess your donut sins the next morning makes a donut binge far less satisfying.

mmmmm hot chocolate.

Josh just called me and hung up before I answered. Shall I assume that's because he was doing the happy dance (to celebrate the fact that he aced his test of course....) and dropped his phone in a puddle?

Do you spend more (per person) for a birthday or Christmas?

spuh. ent.

I shampooed my hair properly for the first time in my life today. (I think.) What a lovely thing to learn at age 25.

facebook at 2am....it's been a while!

crunchy snow, cancelled school, extra long holiday weekend, LOVELY.

I love coming home to the dudes shoveling the foot of snow off my sidewalk.
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