Friday, August 31, 2012

August 2012 FB Status


Watching Monk just brought me to tears. The Olympics have nothing on that crazy detective.
Me: oh Phelps, why are you wearing that stupid dress?
Josh: it's a jacket, not a dress
Me: it goes to his knees and he isn't wearing pants. It's a dress.
how do i watch the olympics online? I have my comcast info....but i'm too dumb (lazy?) to find the right place....
Sometimes I update my facebook status without even knowing it.
First reasonable bedtime since we left for San Diego in the 3 weeks ago!
Josh got a job! Three cheers for career jobs!
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Shared with Your friends, Liesl's friends and Lisa's friends
Me: Hey Tommy, do you wanna do anything fun today?
Tommy: Yes! Like, NURSERY!!!!
My boy really loves nursery. Thanks to the greatest nursery leaders! Liesl, Lisa
My house is full of candy, but what I REALLY want is dessert. Gooey warm rich delicious dessert. #whitegirlproblem
I don't know what I would do without my amazing and caring neighbors. Somebody tell me we're all moving somewhere amazing together?
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Shared with Your friends and friends of anyone tagged
12 mile bike and just a 1.5 mike run this morning felt pretty good, but the triathlon in 2 Weeks just might kill me.
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Shared with Your friends, Noelle's friends and Shawnee's friends
What a fabulous RS Lesson - thank you Noelle Bradford for holding John so I could hear it and Shawnee Haws for teaching it so beautifully. It was exactly what I needed today and I LOVE it when that happens!
poll: are you allowed to text later at night (or earlier in the morning) than you call? I only make phone calls between 9 and 9 - what are appropriate texting hours?
"I'm just going to keep the comandments and assume that the leaders of the church are inspired and see how that works out." - Elder Oaks (I ❤ Mormon Channel)
It's crunch time - anybody know anybody who wants to rent or buy our place? Send them my way please! It's listed on ksl both for rent and for sale.
It's crunch time - anybody know anybody who wants to rent or buy our place? Send them my way please! It's listed on ksl both for rent and for sale.
Tommy just told me to go out to the "LIVin' room mom. I read Alladin" and now he's telling John all about "Genie of the La-amp" and "they're after me, they're after you?" before wrapping it all up with "and they all lived itty bitty ever after."
The book we have is pictures from the movie, so (obviously) we "read" it in lines from the movie. Duh.
Turns out Tommy has been playing draw something for me. Did you get a picture?
3 more hours until I can put the sick whiny baby to bed. (but I have to take care of the boys before me)
I've barely left the couch all day, josh got up and went to work 11 hours ago and still has 3 hours in his shift before he gets to start the drive home. I'm glad he's willing to work so dang hard for our family.
Smoke Detectors and children - one starts wailing they all start wailing. An unnecessary feature in a house this small.
If my reaction to last night's Nyquil is any indication of what kind of drunk I'd be, it's boring. VERY VERY boring.

Just signed a lease for our place - D day is just around the corner. This weekend being the corner.

quick quick - somebody give me a reason to pack my house instead of taking Nyquil and going to bed right now. (yes, it's only 7:30)
Moving day tomorrow. If you're bored and/or want a good workout or to showoff just how much you can carry.... 9am the truck will be at our house.
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